This Modified CP3 offered by Industrial Injection is almost a drop in replacement for the stock CP3 fuel pump. The Modified CP3 fuel injection pump flows 85% more fuel than a stock pump and adds up to 200 Horsepower depending on how the truck is set up. This injection pump was created specifically to keep up with the demands of very aggressive fueling chips and performance injectors. You can choose either a Re-Manufactured or a New CP3 with this configuration
Applications: 2003-2007.5 5.9L Dodge Cummins
Core Charge: Additional $400.00 to the buy it now price!
Option 1: Send the $400.00 core charge along with your paypal payment.
Option 2: Call us and give us your credit card info and we will hold your card untill we get the core back. We will do this without charging your card unless you keep the core for over 30 days!
Contact us: 406-543-3900 & USAFD